Dunwoody High School

Dekalb County Schools

"Ice Ice Sadie" Winter Dance & Sadie Spirit Week

The “Ice Ice Sadie” Winter Dance will be February 1, from 8:30-11pm in the DHS gym. Tickets for the dance will be sold at all lunches next Thursday and Friday for $5 each, and  at the door that night. Jackets are not required.
Sadie Spirit Week is next week from January 27- January 31! Dress up to earn Spirit Points for your class.
  • Monday: Pajama Day
  • Tuesday: Jersey Day
  • Wednesday: Country vs Country Club
  • Thursday: Ski Day/winter gear
  • Friday: Class Shirts/class colors!

Spirit points next week will be conducted by DMing @dhswildcatpride on Instagram. Post a picture of you wearing your outfit!